The project team regularly gives lectures at national and international conferences on topical issues in investment arbitration which are being researched within the framework of this project.
Lectures by August Reinisch:
• “Investment Protection and Dispute Settlement in Preferential Trade Agreements: A Challenge to BITs?” at the Conference “50 Years of Bilateral Investment Treaties” in Frankfurt Main, Germany (December 2009)
• “Empfehlen sich multilaterale Investitionsschutzregeln?“ at the 5th Annual Meeting of the Gesprächskreises Investitionsrecht und -schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (November 2009)
• “The Division of Powers between the EU and its Member after Lisbon” at the Investment Law Meeting at the University Tübingen, Germany (September 2009)
• “Necessity in Investment Arbitration” at the Workshop “Necessity Across International Law” at the Vreie Universiteit Amsterdam in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (April 2009)
• “European Law and Bilateral Investment Treaties: Exploring the Grey Areas” at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) in London/UK (December 2008)
• “The Enforcement of Investment Awards in National Courts” at Oxford University, Oxford, UK (November 2008)
• “The ICSID Convention and the Settlement of Disputes in Economic Emergencies“ at the ILA Conference in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil (August 2008)
• “Recent Developments in Investment Law” Lecture Series at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas in Paris/France (April 2008)
• "The Issues Raised by Parallel Proceedings and Possible Solutions", Harvard Law School, Cambridge/USA (April 2008)
• "Prospects of Investment Arbitration", Swiss Invest Forum, Zurich/Switzerland (March 2008)
• "The Revival of a Traditional Public International Law Problem: Legal vs. Illegal Expropriation" at the University of California, Davis/USA (August 2007)
• "The Proliferation of Investment Dispute Settlement Mechanisms - The Threat of Fragmentation or a Promise of a More Effective System" at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University, Palo Alto/USA (July 2007)
• "Recent Investment Arbitration Decisions on the Standard of Fair and Equitable Treatment" Lecture at the University of Sydney/Australia (March 2007)
• "Towards a Re-definition of Indirect Expropriation in International Investment Arbitration" Lecture at the Australian National University in Canberra/Australia (March 2007)
• "Recent Cases of Indirect Expropriation" ILA Committee on International Law on Foreign Investment, ILA Conference Toronto/Canada (June 2006)
• "Reichweite des Investitionsschutzes: Verbot unfairer und ungerechter Behandlung sowie indirekter Enteignung", Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany (November 2006)
• "ICSID Practice" Lectures at the UNCTAD/ICSID Workshop on the Settlement of Investment Disputes in Bangkok/Thailand (July 2005)
Lectures by Christina Knahr:
• “The role of NGOs in the WTO and in International Investment Arbitration“,Conference „Behavior Guides and Law – The Particular and the Universal of the (In)Formal“, Vienna (December 2009)
• “Durchsetzung von internationalen Schiedssprüchen vor nationalen Gerichten”, Arbeitskreis junger Völkerrechtswissenschafter, Vienna (December 2008)
• “Consolidation of Proceedings in International Investment Arbitration”, Vienna International Arbitration Forum, Vienna (November 2008)
• “ICSID Jurisdiction and the Concept of Investment”, Expert-Workshop with Representatives of the Univerzita Karlova Prague and the University of Vienna, Vienna (October 2008)
• “International Investment Arbitration – Principles and Challenges”, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (July 2008)
• “Investitionsschutz durch den Energiecharta-Vertrag”, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany (June 2008)
• "Annulment of Conflicting Awards", Harvard Law School, Cambridge/USA (April 2008)
• "Fair and equitable treatment in recent investment arbitration", University of California at Davis, USA (March 2008)
• "Transparency v. Confidentiality: Pertinent Rules and Arbitral Practice", Vienna Arbitration Days, Austrian Academy of Sciences (February 2008)
• "Grundzüge der Internationalen Investitionsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit", University of Zurich (December 2007)
• "Indirect Expropriation in Recent Investment Arbitration", Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany (November 2007)
• "Non-state Actors in International Investment Arbitration", International Law Association (ILA) Conference, Pretoria, South Africa (August 2007)
• "Investments ‘in accordance with host state law’", Assistententagung Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht, University of Vienna (June 2007)
• "Die Veröffentlichung von Dokumenten in Schiedsverfahren: Vertraulichkeit v. Transparenz", Roundtable, Austrian Arbitration Association (May 2007)
• "Die Beteiligung Dritter als ‚amicus curiae’ in der Internationalen Investitionsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit", Österreichischer Völkerrechtstag, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, Germany (June 2006)
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